Time for another meeting of the black and gold minds!!
As you may have noticed, I changed my icon. We have a new puppy, that’s Henry, he’s Standard Poodle on his dad’s side, papers and all. His mom is an English Cream Golden (which sounds like a beer) Retriever. Turns out I was 10 the last time I lived in a house with a puppy, there’s lots of learning going on, and he’s not a fast learner. Currently he’s getting along on his looks. Actually don’t ever tell him I said so, but he appears to be pretty bright.
2. As we all know the greatest Christmas and action film of all time is Die Hard. What’s your favorite action film? After Die Hard of course.
3. I’m a big WW2 book buff. I’m currently reading through the Pacific theater as chronologically as is affordable. What types of books do you gravitate towards?
4. It’s a bit too soon for Henry to replace the best pet ever I’ve had, but he’s growing on me. Both literally and figuratively. Give us your best pet’s name, breed, and story if you have one?
5. My brother-in-law was saying their dad used to make them peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches, that they had to eat. Two parter: A). Best way to make a peanut butter & “ “ sandwich? B). Worst you’ve heard people say they eat?
Extra Credit: I was in Denver for business and my colleague ordered a Rubin, but they didn’t have rye bread. Can you call it a Rubin without rye?